At university, I was sometimes jokingly accused of a tendency that, no matter what the
actual topic was, the title of my writing assignments always began
with “Spengler and the ...” If you take a look at my list of
publications or even the posts of this blog, you will be able to
establish that this was nothing more than a malicious falsehood.
Still, Oswald Spengler remains a central point of reference to me and
yes, sometimes I publish essays under a title featuring his name.
This and all other illustrations of this post are taken from
"Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves", a
filmstrip drawn by Sándor Lengyel, 1963. |
All the more so as the
range of nouns that can appear in such a title together with
Spengler's name is virtually endless. Relying on his encyclopedic
knowledge, Spengler wrote about almost everything. First and foremost,
however, he was a civilization theorist. A recourse to his thoughts
therefore commends itself most clearly when a phenomenon is
examined in the context of the civilization that produced it.
This is the case with the problem of how the Islamic State is rooted
in Middle Eastern culture.